Satellite TV,Photo Physics and Global Warming

Recently I came across a new animal called "Television" (often abbreviated to TV, T.V.; sometimes called , telly or the tube, bloob tube or boob tube, or idiot box in British English). According to Mr. Wiki, it is a "widely used telecommunication system for broadcasting and receiving moving pictures and sound over a distance". That is fine, I do agree.
This box is said to have a lot of "Educational advantages" - This is also fine, I do agree.
I was thinking that Television was invented by Thomas Alva Edison, but someone told me that TV is not just a bulb - so I do agree that it is invented by some one else - that is also fine - I do agree.
During my childhood, I was thinking that those characters we see in the serials are living inside this box. I used to wonder from which restaurant they are taking food as I never seen them going out - while grown up I realized that that is also false - I do agree here also that I was a fool.
If I start agreeing like this, I will not have time for anything else. Therefore let us stop this game here and see what I am going to disagree. Let us take the first input from Wiki itself:
"With high lead content in CRTs, and the rapid diffusion of new, flat-panel display technologies, some of which (LCDs) use lamps containing mercury, there is growing concern about electronic waste from discarded televisions. Related occupational health concerns exist, as well, for disassemblers removing copper wiring and other materials from CRTs. Further environmental concerns related to television design and use relate to the devices' increasing electrical energy requirements."
This is what Wiki is bothered about. Yes, unfortunately I have to agree again - this is true. While reading above I noticed the keywords - "CRT", "Lamps with Mercury", "lead Content", "Electronic", and most important thing "Electrical Energy Requirements"! Uh - finally we are there!
I am sure that all of you are sure about the concerns - however as there are people still having old copper ballast on their brain, let me re-quote them:
• Lamps with Mercury
• lead Content
• Electronic
• Electrical Energy Requirements
Further more, these components emits heat. Also, during the production of required electricity, the generators or the reactors or the power plants emits a lot of heat. Both are contributing a lot to global warming! Siva Siva!
Therefore the solution is also lying around the fact that we have to avoid all above stuffs from our Television. Is it possible? Or impossible? Or may be possible? Or impossible is possible? Let us listen to what I am going to say.
"It is possible"!
That is what I told. Now the usual question - "How"?
It is very very and very simple. Connect a big screen flat panel LCD or TFT TV to a geostationary satellite, put it under the tail of a big rocket, open up the match box, make fire and put it on the rocket! Clap the hands and wait for few moments.
Now what happened? The Mr. Television in the sky, rotating along with earth, and smiling at you! How it is getting the power to smile? Is it nuclear electricity? No! Is it thermal power? No! Is it kerosene/Petrol or Diesel power? No! Is it hydro-electric power? No! Is it chemical power? No! Then what it is? "Solar power"! No heat, no gas, no CO, no toxin, no radiation..... clean electricity!
Okie, now the TV is in the sky - 35,786 Kilometers above the head! How to watch it?
There comes the magic of photo-physics! Go to your roof, where the old "Dish Antenna" was located. Throw that Antenna away, clean the surface and place a big Convex Lens! Adjust the focus using the equation (1/f) = (n-1) [(1/R1) - (1/R2)] and look at the floor - what you can see?
Nothing but a small inverted image of the TV placed above the head! Whatever shown in the TV can be watched on the floor!
Let me be proactive and smart - I know what you are going to complain now:
- the image is in the roof - can't watch TV from bed room or living room!
- the image is inverted
- the image is too small
Yes, let me complete the design - you will clap the hands. Now listen the rest!
"the image is in the roof - can't watch TV from bed room or living room!" - yes, true. Now we have to bring it to the room. How? There comes the "Fiber Optic Technology". An optical fiber can take the light at one end and transport it to the other end, irrespective of the turns and twists on the fiber. And, what is the image we see on the floor? It is nothing but light! So keep one end of our optical fiber there. Take the other end to your living room or bed room or toilet or wherever you want! Either look through the fiber for a direct view or show the fiber to a white screen for a projected view!
"the image is inverted" - Simple, Simple and Simple - 5th standard physics. Use one more convex lens.
"the image is too small" - this was a concern raised by Galileo Galilei and he identified the solution also! Use one more convex lens with a minimal focal length!
That is it! What we see now?
- All the channels at your fiber tip!
- No electricity required at the house (saving = 100 watts per TV * multi billions of TV sets = mmmmmulti bbbbillions of power!)
- No CRT
- No Mercury
- No Lead
- No Electronic Waste
- No Subscription required
- No Monthly charges
The advantages are lot. In addition to this, I am under the research about delivering "Triple Play" services - consists on Voice, Data and Video + High Speed Internet too! Will come up soon with the technology. Till then, take a break!