Gravity,Cycle Tube and 3rd World War!

World War 3 for Energy? Yes! That is what I could conclude from recent deals with N Korea. Refer This! Same is expected with Iran also!
Yes, this time they were able to offer oil and settle the issue. But the big question in front of the world is not yet answered - once we drain out of oil, what we will do for energy? Nuclear, Naphtha or Coal? Then global warming will kill you! Solar? Bloody Bloody Expensive! Bio-gas from cow shit? Sorry, no enough number of cows to do that shit!
The question remains!
I should say, we are doing blunders by spending time, money and energy to research on these “alternate fuel” concepts. Moreover, the biggest mistake with us is, we will do research, find out the facts, write it on a paper or publish on a university website and then SLEEP on it! Then I have to come and kick off the thought process to see someone is making use of these findings and facts! This time also situation is the same.
The concern is an alternate energy source, and the solution is from lower primary school text books on geography and physics! First, let us open the physics text book and read how the thermal power stations are working. They manage to rotate a turbine connected to a generator using steam. read it here.
Now the question is "where I will get this much of steam?" or "Will my kitchen gas stove support generating this much steam?". Instead of running to kitchen, please open the geography text book and read about the earth, its atmosphere and the temperature distribution. Note down two points - The core of earth is very very hot! Up to 100,000 degree Celsius! Read it here. . Next point to note is that the temperature of atmosphere at 6-10 km is very cool! Down to -51 degree Celsius! Either believe me or read it here!
Oh...gotcha... this crazy guy is talking about "Geothermal station".. this is already available! Nothing new!
Sorry dear, please read till end. Understand that there are people who think out of the box, but they are not grown enough to think from the moon or mars (ref:my previous post). A geothermal station is an innovative implementation, but it sucks whole water from the under-earth and will finally end up in all the problems caused by bore wells! If such a station comes near to your house, you will not find water in your house well!
Now let me continue! We have seen the extreme high temperature in the core of earth and extreme low temperature above our head - atmosphere. Now, make a big heat-proof tunnel in circular shape (should look like a stressed version of cycle tire tube - hero or BSA can help!). Now, cut the tube somewhere, and insert the turbine attached with generator. Fix this portion (turbine and generator) on the ground. Ensure that it is fixed properly so that it can withstand the vibrations caused once the turbine start turning.
Now, dig the ground downwards looking for the core of earth. This can be identified by testing the temperature. While digging you may pass through a layer full of water and frogs (this is where the conventional "wells will terminate) - keep a raincoat with you to help yourself here. You may stop digging once you reach an area where the temperature is good enough to instant boil the water. Pull the tire tube till here.
Now, come out of the earth, and try to drag other end of the remaining tube vertically upwards. You may have to go 6-10 kilometers upwards, where you will meet low temperature sufficient to cool the steam instantly to water. Try to keep the tube there. You may hang it on the branch of a tree or set up a helium balloon above the tube to keep it floating at that height.
Our job is over. Now come to earth, clap the hands and fill water in the tube. Look at that! The water has gone down to the underground portion of the tube (Thanks to Sir Isaac Newton for inventing gravity!). At the moment it reaches the core, it is getting boiled and becoming steam due to the extreme temperature, getting expanded and forced to get out of the tube through the other end! Oh, on the other end what is happening? It is going up to the sky... and getting converted back to water due to extreme low temperature! Once it is water, the gravity pulls it down and it is going back to the core and repeating the cycle!
We could see the steam is cycling through the tube and it forces our turbine to turn! Got stunned? Get up and look at the generator! It is pumping a lot of electricity! Eurekaaaa!
All our energy needs are satisfied here without causing any kind of environmental hazards, without causing global warming, without begging for oil, without smoke, without radiation, without dam collapse - all by using gravity and natural force!
Moreover no world war for oil and energy! Bring peace to life!
Tip: You may use a mini version of this to replace the refrigerator cum heater cum oven for household use. Instead of therm-o-stat, use a "height-o-stat" to adjust the height of the food shelf. (Push down to cook, pull up to freeze!)
Note: Remember to fill the digg-ed ground with soil. Else some kids will chase some ball and fall inside.
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