Why Men Can't Fly?

During the school days, we are forced to study lot of mistakes as part of our school syllabus. Once after coming out of school, if we take some time and think, we will realize that many lessons we have studied in the class are big blunders.
I am realizing this when I started thinking about the flight of human. We have learned that human being is "flying" and the first "flight" is conducted by Wright Brothers. I have also believed that "humans" are "flying" and was very much proud of it.
Recently, I have also got a chance to "fly" and I went to airport thinking that I can "fly". I thought that air port is a place where they will make people capable of flying. As I have seen lot of flies and birds flying around, I was under an impression that human body will be fixed with a pair of nice wings with an engine in the air port.
But, after entering the airport, I have realized that the people are not flying, but they just sit on a plane, which is capable of flying. I got disappointed and understood what kind of blunders we are learning in the schools!
Here comes the little thought, why can't we correct this mistake from the root? Root? Does it mean we have to correct all the text books published throughout the world? No - this is not Kerala Syllabus to correct the text books! We will correct only one place - the way we fly!
Confused? Read this till the end and then take a tea break. Sip the tea and think - why can't we fly like a bird? The fully functional prototype is there in front of us in the form of flies, bees and birds! Instead of adopting the same technique, I don't know why people are inventing "aircrafts" and "planes"!
As usual, the idea is very simple - fix two wings behind the human body. Drive it with a stepper motor controlled by a microprocessor or matchbox computer!
To enhance the system, we may collaborate with some washing machine manufacturer and implement fuzzy logic too!
I am 200% sure that this is possible and this will work - if such a fat bee can fly just by waving those small and thin wings, it should not be a big deal to fly a man weights less than 100 kg weight by using a six foot wing! The only reason what I can think of is no one is trying to develop this way of flying and none of the government are supporting such research by providing funds.
Once this is developed, the advantages are huge.
- No airports required to take off
- No sound pollution as the engines is small
- No air pollution if we could integrate electric engines
- No signaling required - it is just like walking on the road
- No bookings required
- No tickets required to travel
- No fuel surcharges or taxes or air port usage fee required
- No late departure, road traffic conditions will not affect travel plans
In short, we can stop running such big aircrafts. This will make lot of savings, improve commutation comfort, thus more business deals will happen and finally will end up in increasing the GDP!
"Don't you agree?"
why men cant fly?
i dont aggree......
cause as you said that to use a motor at the back putting on wings etc..
how much far the men can fly...
how to carry fuel..
and if we do like this air traffic will become more and accident in air will cause and it will not be safe and comfortable also.
Da ninak vatayo seelu?
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