Global Warming and E=MC^2

Global warming has been emerged as a hot discussion topic. It gained its popularity in recent years through many international meetings and research papers. It has been introduced as an enemy of life and every scientist is there to support this label. Some people are telling that the sea will swallow our land because of global warming. Some others telling that the forests and the mango trees will get burned because of global warming. Another set of people says that the summer will kill entire living things in the earth because of global warming. Some others talk about climate changes, Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Greenhouse gases, anthropogenic climate blah blah blaaaaah!
In short, all are trying to blame each other and projected global warming as “killer” phenomena! It is sad that no one has bothered to think differently, understand why global warming has became a killer or to remediate global warming! Understand that no one is born as a criminal! The society made global warming as a criminal!
Keeping above fact in mind, I met Mr. Global Warming to understand him from another angle. The story came out was slightly shocking and moreover much interesting. The shocking fact that it is not a criminal! And the interesting fact is that it can be controlled very much by showing the text book of physics! Am I crazy? Let us check!
I said it is not a criminal because it is a natural effect. It doesn't have any intension to wipe out the life from earth. It doesn't even know what is life. Also, as others say, the air conditioners and refrigerators are not its father nor fossil fuels are its mother! Then how it took birth? The DNA test revels that it took birth from earth - like any other living thing! How? All knows that earth is always exposed to sharp sunlight and it is not capable to use fair and lovely for the sake of UV protection. So what happened? For years and years, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, it is absorbing hot sunlight and plenty of Ultra Violet and Infra Red radiation. Just think - naturally the temperature of its atmosphere will go high. That is why I said it is not a criminal - it is a natural phenomena, and there is nothing to blame! Therefore PLEASE stop blaming anyone for global warming!
Now, second point - how to wave Physics text book to global warming and stop it? Very Very Simple! Clap the hands and open the text book and look for a theory called "Conservation of Energy". It says "Conservation of energy states that the total amount of energy in an isolated system remains constant, although it may change forms (for instance, friction turns kinetic energy into thermal energy).
Yes, "it may change forms" - that is the catch. What is global warming? It is just energy - to be more clear, it is "Heat" energy. We are struggling a lot to generate heat - by using heater, petrol, gas stove, thanthuri oven, grill, thermal station - the way we waste time and money to generate heat is many. At the same time, no one is realizing that global warming is just that heat what we are looking for! In simple language, stop all these exercises, think how to extract heat from global warming and start using that heat for the heat requirements in the house and country!
Extracting heat? How? This requires more research. We have already many means of extracting the heat (rather the radiation from sun) and convert it into other useful means and most of those devices start with "solar" in their name. That is one way of doing it. Consume as much as possible sunlight. I am sure, if we could do that, we can shut down all power stations around the world.
If this is not possible, or if still there is excess sunlight even after satisfying all power requirements, then we need alternate solution. The best suitable solution will be to design few "pass" stations or "relay" stations for this excess energy. The idea is to pump the excess energy we are receiving on earth either back to sun or to somewhere else in the universe. What we require here is an equipment which can take the radiation from sun, then pass it to a dish antenna kind of "concentrator or reflector" and beam it to a place outside the universe! A simple one will be a set of solar panels which will convert the excess energy from sun to electricity, pass it to a big heater coil placed in the focus of a reflector and the reflector facing the sky. In this station, the excess energy we receive from sun will be first converted to current and then to heat and then pushed out of earth's atmosphere through sky!
I am sure that placing this equipment in strategic places in earth will control the global warming in a very natural way. This is just one way of doing it. There are many other methods - think about converting excess energy (heat or radiation) to mass (stone or water) using the machine E = MC^2. This is interesting - "don't you agree"??